
We live in a time of the deficit of balance and values, surrounded with patterns that are often deprived of the simplicity and authenticity. Focused on the movement and body care, we forget what is their actual aim and what they should lead to.

The way you look and the kind of physical activity you prefer is not important and should not be subject to assessment. What really matters is how you feel about it and if a given activity works out well for you. Does it make you agile and healthy? Does it make you enjoy your life? First and foremost, does it make you a better and a happier man?

We offer you various paths. We persevere in discovering the new ones. Choose your own path, in tune with yourself. In tune with your body, mind, and heart. Make the most of the present moment in your life. Have the courage to face your weaknesses. Be independent and sturdy in exploring yourself.

Be the demiurge of your own world. Harness the elements. Let the magic happen.

monika podpis

Monika Wróblewska. creative director



What are the grounds of your world? Do the things that you absorb and believe in give strength to your body and soul so that you could grow?

How high you will grow depends on your foundation. It also depends on the earth, where everything has its beginning.



Are you ready to give your best? Do you know that feeling when no obstacle is able to stop you?

Be an inspiration for yourself and for the others. Search for the fire inside you.



How high can your thoughts take you? Can you reach out for the things that are seemingly unreachable?

Let your inner child dream. Breathe deeply and lift yourself in the air.



Can you notice the relationships that have led you to the point where you are now? Can you find yourself in that place?

Be full of acceptance and willingness to change – like water that travels around the world through circulation.