
tiguar step

We all know that success is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration.

Over the past 5 years, we have worked obsessively on that project. We know that the devil is always in the details, so we worked on them: our step had to be flexible enough to protect joints and the spine; stable enough, so that it could be entered from any angle by the user without slipping or swaying; it needed to be durable and not crack even after 3 years of heavy use; it should enable strength training to make this investment even more profitable for the owner of the club. First of all, we knew it should be attractive to encourage users to the intense workout.

We proudly say „YES”, we managed to achieve all these objectives. Furthermore, it has been 100% designed and produced in Poland! Possible? Possible!

tiguar power gym butterfly

After over 5 years from the premiere of our power gym barbell, the time has come for the next step.

We have set the goal of achieving the new quality on various grounds. Our new barbell is more durable, crack-, scrap- and scratchproof. It enables to perform additional exercises using the plates only. Inspired by the lightness and femininity, its design makes it different from all the barbells in the world. power gym butterfly meets all these assumptions. On top of that, there are extremely stable, collars that have been designed especially for women’s hands and are recognized as the best on the market. This beautiful piece of equipment is an exemplification of our message: smart. brave. independent.


tiguar power gym collar

It has taken 12 months to develop what we believe is the best barbell collar on the market.

The simple design is so easy to use, you will wonder why nobody has thought of fit before! The tiguar collar works perfectly with our pump sets for quick, safe and secure clamping of the weight plates.

tiguar body ball 3S

A large ball with properties that are unique on the market.

Smart size ball means more optimal sizes (60 and 70 cm); simply stable is a ball that will stay where you put it due to the sand inside; super safety means thicker layer and safety confirmed with the German GS certificate. tiguar body ball 3S is an uncompromising quality and safety.


tiguar powerbag

We have redesigned the whole range of our top functional product.

First od all, the size of the whole range of weights has been unified. This increases the comfort of the user who works with different weights as regardless of the weight the handles are in the same position. At the same time, the distance between the handles has been optimised for the more comfortable and firm grip.

This range has gained a new design and even more durable materials have been used for increased durability: inside, there is a special foam and balls filled with sand.

power band GT by tiguar

In order to increase the exercisers’ motivation while they are using the power bands, we have created the groundbreaking, innovative system of signifying the stretch levels.

Due to the square indications, the users can easily assess how much strength has to be put into performed exercise. The first square stands for the state of motionlessness of the band, and rectangles, after stretching, inform the user about the equivalent strength that has to be used in the exercise.


speed ladder GT by tiguar

A module, coordination speed ladder GT by tiguar is a multipurpose accessory for sportsmen and instructors.

The conception of Jakub Podgórski, the founder of GT, has been converted into the innovative training solution by the tiguar brand. The individual rungs can be attached in many ways with a magnet, which enables enormous amount of combinations and settings. This makes it possible to train various motoric skills, particularly speed and coordination.
The speed ladder GT by tiguar is light, easy-to-use and very sturdy, which makes it work well in almost all conditions.