The first products of the tiguar brand that had been crystallizing at that time were created in 2010. However, the very idea of them had occurred much earlier.
The attempts to improve the products of foreign brands almost always resulted in the reluctance of the suppliers to cooperate. And my aim was to refine, to implement new solutions and to create more and more beautiful fitness accessories. Along with the design firm Studio Program, instructors and Master Trainers we have started to create our own solutions and extend the range of our products. In the beginning, there were only a few of them, then – several.
Today there are almost 200 products and in a year this number will probably double. I am proud that all the designs of our product line are created in Poland and that about half of them are produced here. It not only ensures the high quality but also strengthens the European economy and minimizes the environmental pollution caused by the transport of goods from other continents.